Half life opposing force vicarious reality
Half life opposing force vicarious reality

half life opposing force vicarious reality

Further there is a work-in-progress enclosure. We enter the next corridor and become stunned by another enclosure, Xen environment this time. Hum from lamps, cave-in and disconnected floor panel are nice touches. The corridor looks differently and nicely detailed. The elevator shaft takes us to the second floor. Going through the beautifully designed place, I found a storage with “nuclear” ammo, so I used the displacement device and saw cool Xen location. Through the door hidden in the rock we enter the lab where the monsters were studied. The rocks provide plenty of cover, making the fight easy and enjoyable, and it’s cool to see how the monster eventually gibs. Thanks to creatures X, we enter that enclosure, which turns out to be a boss battle arena. It turns out that observation area observes a big enclosure with grass and rocks where the scientists held monsters. All paths except one are blocked, door with rock preventing it from closing is a nice touch. The level design is pleasing, climbing adds good vertical aspect to the area. We go through flooded tunnel, then climb up using some broken device to Black Mesa biodome complex. I died 2 or more times trying to use an alternate path, but I wasn’t sure if it was really a shortcut or a detour… flipping Gearbox clipping everything… Unfortunately the barnacle’s a poor weapon for combat due to it’s slow damage, meaning that grappled enemies still can hit you. The ‘tutorial” was done fairly well, as it showed the 3 useful properties of the barnacle in a very small area of the map. Since it is an alien study lab, there’s plenty of new alien weapons for Shephard, including a bowling-lane range for exclusive barnacle practice. However, due to the rubble and debris, some areas have become dead ends. Each area is interconnected so that you can go back and open up a previous area (and access the previous area’s healthkits and whatnot.) There’s 3 domes, I think, and each dome has it’s own observation area, lab, and elevator. I suspect it’s the architecture of the biodome itself that is the reason. Well, this is a very nonlinear chapter, compared to everything else we’ve come up against so far. The Replay Experience Experiment aka TREE.Opposing Force: Vicarious Reality | RTSL Menu

Half life opposing force vicarious reality